Friday, October 12, 2018

Super Simple Santa Cookies #christmas #cookies

OK, this is it! I soul all of my Season shopping through, most of my wrapping done and all of my baking finished, so for the incoming hebdomad I am feat to hit it stonelike on Yuletide projects to part with you-so be prepared for a Yule extravaganza this hebdomad! Today I am thrilled to direct you my last creation-these super simplified, plain Santa Cookies. Hurried and undemanding to head and something that the kids testament pair. Perfect for a kids organisation!

Ingredients :
  • Red sprinkles
  • White sprinkles
  • Sugar cookies (use any dough and cut it into circles or buy remade cookies at the store)
  • White frosting
  • Candy eyes (get them at craft stores or grocery stores in the baking section)
  • Red hots
  • Mini marshmallows
  1. Ice your biscuit discolor.
  2. On the top of the cake, fire red sprinkles to create the hat. Add a mini marshmallow to one end to be the pom pom.
  3. On the soil, acknowledgement author sprinkles to be the beard.
  4. Add eyes and a red hot poke and you are all set!

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